About us

The Llandaff Society was founded in 1977 to stimulate public interest and pride in Llandaff.

We aim to:
promote high standards of planning, architecture and design
— promote the provision of public and community facilities
— enhance the quality of life
— secure the conservation of features of architectural and historic interest

Monthly meetings with speakers on matters of local and topical interest are held throughout each year, as
well as practical projects, visits and an annual dinner. A Newsletter is published four times a year and
circulated free to members.

Our area of interest is bounded by the River Taff to the north; the old Taff Vale Railway as far as Waungron Road to the west; Pencisely Road, Penhill and Fields Park Road. In 2020, the Llandaff Conservation Area's boundaries were set as follows by Cardiff City Council:

The Society works closely with our local councillors and the Cardiff planning department to review planning applications within the Conservation Area. See the Planning Page for responses to planning applications submitted by the Society to Cardiff Council.

Civic Excellence Award:

The Llandaff Society Civic Excellence Award is an annual prize awarded for the best example of:

  • architectural or design excellence
  • social and/or economic improvement
  • sensitive conservation and restoration
  • positive community impact
  • initiative in the care of the environment of Llandaff

This year's award winners were Acorns Nursery for their meticulous refurbishment of an historic house on Fairwater Road.


  • Chair: Norma Jarboe
  • Secretary:  John Prior-Morris/ Alun Morgan
  • Vice Chair: Alun Rees
  • Treasurer: Donna Howard
  • Planning Adviser: Kay Powell
  • Membership Secretary: Gaynor Morgan

    Other committee members: Allan Hair, Jackie Askey, Geoff Barton-Greenwood, 
    Henry Jones, Sheelagh Lloyd-Jones, Nick Lambert

The Committee meet once a month and consider matters brought to their attention by members and
applications related to planning matters within the area. There is contact with officials of the Local
Authority, the Cathedral body, local schools, Institutions and National Assembly, if relevant.

Join us!
For more information on the Llandaff Society, please email the Chairman: info@llandaffcity.co.uk